Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Question about Module 10 quiz


Name Yunjin Bae Date22-11-03 06:24 View1,698 Comment1


Hi professor, i have one more question :)

In a quiz of Module 10, especially question 1 and question 4.

Sadly, I didn't understand the meaning of those 2 questions. I want you to explain of those things and I want to know the answer and also the reasons of those two questions.

And i just wanted to say thank you. Every time i ask some questions and then get your reply, your reply always helped me to make sense easily haha.
I just finished my quiz of Module 10 and only final assignment and final exam left. Thank you for providing amazing lectures every week so far. 

Anyways, i will wait on your reply !
Thank you :) 

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