Glenn College

[Business Translation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2)] computer glitch??


Name Ah Reum Kim Date22-08-15 23:47 View2,005 Comment2


My name is Ah Reum Kim and I'm taking ITT Business translation Advanced through Dangi in Korea. I just started this program lsast Thursday and over the weekend I was doing my very first HW, Module1. I downloaded two files, first K to E and the second one E to K and I noticed they were the eaxtaly the same assignments!! I think I downloaded 2 or 3 times to see and double check but I still got the same sets of HW for the two different files. It was the weekend so I couldn't contact the Dangi office in Korea. Also honestly with my work schedule the following week, if I didn't submit the first HW on weekend with all the videos I need to watch, I knew I would be behind with the program so I coudn't wait until Monday and submitted the HW. In addition, I noticed that there was K to E homework part towards the end of the HW anyways so I didn't really doubt that you guys made a mistake (or my computer or myself). I simply thought that you combined the two parts of HW separated into the two different files.
And today on Monday, I was downloading Module 2 HW and the same thing happened!! I printed out the two different files and they were the exactly same ones. Then it got me wondering again so I contacted Dangi office and the lady on the phone said they were supposed to be different sets of HW. So Then I went back to the HW page again in my Glenn College my Page and downloaded the two files again and voila~~ two different sets of HW. I am perplexed and speechelss right now. Really can't explain what really happened. What will happend to my first HW then? Will I just get a partial mark? IS there ANY way that you could give me another chance to finish the second part of first Module HW? I'm very worried now that I may not even able to pass this program at all. I have a big presentation at my work tmrw and I can't do anything right now. Please if you could do anything to help me, I would appreciate it!!

Ah Reum

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