Glenn College

Q&A List

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Q&A List
No. Program Subject Name Date View
2451 Online TESOL Final assignment Comment1 Yeji Shin 03-20 1633
2450 Business Interpretation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2)_New Module 2_ K to E Homework Comment1 so yi kim 03-20 1679
2449 Online TESOL To ask quick marking Comment3 Hansol Yang 03-19 1744
2448 Online TESOL #10, the test of module 6 Comment2 Kyoung Hoe Park 03-19 1704
2447 Business Translation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2) Inquiry Regarding ITT Business English Translation Certifica… Comment3 Uijin Jung 03-18 1929
2446 Online TESOL result of the final assignment Comment1 eunju lee 03-18 1691
2445 Online TESOL When can I expect to recieve the certificate? Comment2 Hongkuen Baik 03-17 1778
2444 Business Translation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2) ITT test result Comment2 Minseo Kim 03-16 1730
2443 Online TESOL Final Assignment Comment1 YONGEUN KIM 03-14 1702
2442 Online TESOL Module 5 Quiz Comment2 Sooyoung Moon 03-14 1818
2441 Business Interpretation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2) Module 1 (Korean to English) - Lesson 4: news articles Comment2 Eun Woo Kim 03-14 1780
2440 Online TESOL Certificate Comment2 YEJI CHOI 03-11 1864
2439 Business Translation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2) about the result of ITT test Comment2 Kyoungmi Hong 03-11 1787
2438 Online TESOL End of course Comment2 cherri sim 03-08 1829
2437 Online TESOL Request for grade on final assignment Comment1 Jayoung Hwang 03-07 1682
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