Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Some questions.


Name Jun Woo Kwon Date18-03-16 05:58 View3,122 Comment1


Hi, again Allan!
I have three questions as follows.

1. I just checked the notice on this website. It says 'I will receive confirmation E-mail when I finish every step'.
As you know, I already finished Quiz 1 and 2. But I haven't got confirmation E-mails yet.

2.  It also says 'When I complete my Final Assignment and Teacher diary entries(?), I will have to upload those on this website" Of course, I know I will start my Final Assignment almost at the end of this course! So, this question is not urgent matter.
Anyhow, what I wanna say is Where do I put my Final Assignment on this website later? Plus,  I don't know what is Teacher diary entries.

3. I have checked my student information. They are all good exept one. You can see the registration information box and the word 'diploma' is wrongly displayed as 'deploma'. That's something I can't correct by myself I guess.

Hope you have nice weekends!

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Allan Scafe님의 댓글

Allan Scafe 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi again Jun Woo Kwon,

Let's take a look at your questions:

1.  Hmm, unfortunately I don't know anything about that since I just do the marking.  I'll ask someone about that next week.

2.  Don't worry, once you finish your final test you'll see where, and how, you can submit your final assignment!

3.  Oh dear, that's embarrassing.  Again, I just do the marking, but I'll bring that to my manager's attention and get that fixed.

Thanks for bringing these issues to my attention and have a good weekend!

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