Glenn College

[Business Translation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2)] Translated version


Name HYUNJI HWANG Date23-09-25 00:30 View649 Comment1


Hi, Mason teacher:)
How are you?

I want to ask you about something.
Can I receive translated versions of Online Homework Module files if possible?

and When could I know the result of my ITT test?

I appreciate you answer.

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Mason 님의 댓글

Mason 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hello Hyunji,

I am doing well! Thank you for asking and I hope you are doing well as well.

Unfortunately there are no answer keys for the homework. Your ITT has been submitted and the result can take at least 1~2 weeks until it is graded by the ITT department in Korea.

I hope this answers your question.

Best regards,

Mason U, CMI-Korean
Business Interpretation and Translation in Korean (BIT-K) Instructor

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