[Business Interpretation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2)] module one E to K
Name Subin Ji Date24-02-18 04:32 View1,778 Comment1Content

i am pretty sure after I misunderstand it and I realized my altering translation and then I corrected it for next homework.
Did I still make a mistake when second time as well?
2. What is proper interpretation of ' Do I have your permission'? instead of 권한이 있을까요?
3. You said from now on any wrong interpretation will deduct my score, is that including altering interpretation as well for example '권한이 있을까요' instance for the future? ( I appreciate that you gave me full grade this time tho, thx)
+ I don't know how to record for MP3 but MP4. My cellphone only provides mp4 recording ... sorry
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Mason 님의 댓글
Mason 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date
Hello Subin,
Thank you for the questions! Here are my answers:
1. you underlined a word of 'a summer job'
i am pretty sure after I misunderstand it and I realized my altering translation and then I corrected it for next homework.
Did I still make a mistake when second time as well?
-> No, just a common mistake by many students so I was merely giving you a heads-up to check it out, so no need to worry!
2. What is proper interpretation of ' Do I have your permission'? instead of 권한이 있을까요?
-> Asking "Do I have your permission?" really means "Would you allow me..." so saying "허락해 주시겠습니까?" would be a better way of interpreting the question.
3. You said from now on any wrong interpretation will deduct my score, is that including altering interpretation as well for example '권한이 있을까요' instance for the future? ( I appreciate that you gave me full grade this time tho, thx)
+ I don't know how to record for MP3 but MP4. My cellphone only provides mp4 recording ... sorry
-> Yes indeed but I will make sure to provide a detailed explanation when the score is deducted. Should you have any further questions, please always come back here to ask me more questions!
I hope this helps!
Best regards,
Mason U, CMI-Korean
Business Interpretation and Translation in Korean (BIT-K) Instructor