Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Module 10


Name Phuong Thi Ngoc Nguyen Date18-08-20 06:33 View5,609 Comment3


Dear Allan,

Thank you for your comments on the Module 9.
I appreciated it.

I just finally finished the last quiz and again I do not agree on a couple of questions.
Could you please explain to me why my answers were wrong?
They are question #2 and question #8. 
Thank you.


Phuong Thi Ngoc Nguyen

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Allan Scafe님의 댓글

Allan Scafe 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi Phuong Thi Ngoc Nguyen,

Sure, no problem.  However, I do not have access to the multiple choice and t/f questions right now.  I could contact our technical admin to give me access, but he's on vacation, and it would take too long.  Could you please post those two questions?  I'll try to respond to you as soon as you post them. 

Have a good day!

Phuong Thi Ngoc Nguyen님의 댓글

Phuong Thi Ngoc… 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Dear Allan,
Good morning!  I guess it's good evening over there!
Thank you for your respond.
The first questions  I have for you is Q2, "All of the following are features of a listening comprehension test, except"
1)  Questions should be simple and less numerous.
2)  Students should be able to refer back to the text.
3)  The text should be short enough for retention.
4)  It should avoid giving too much to write
My answer was 4) and I got it wrong.
The second question is Q8, "All skills can be developed at any stage."
My answer was "False" and I got it wrong.
I chose "False" because you can't develop writing skills at "introduction stage" or "presentation stage". 
You may develop one or two skills at each stages but not all skills at any stage.
Am I interpreting the question wrong?
I'd appreciate it you can explain this to me.
Thank you.


Phuong Thi Ngoc Nguyen

Allan Scafe님의 댓글

Allan Scafe 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi Phuong Thi Ngoc Nguyen,

Wow, you got back to me pretty quickly there!  Well, let's take a look at those questions:

In regards to your first question, this one is really tricky, and I myself recently got confused in regards to this one.  Upon initial inspection, I would agree with you, it makes sense.  If students are doing a listening comprehension test, it should avoid having them write too much.  However, wait, and think about it.  The question says, "[a]ll of the following are features of a listening comprehension test, except...".  Option four is true, it is correct, and therefore it is a feature of a listening comprehension test, so it is in fact not the correct answer.  The correct answer is option 2, because it does not make logical sense.  Students cannot refer back to the text, because this would imply that they could go back and read the text.  This question is not about a reading test, it is a listening test, and therefore option 2 is the answer.  I admit that because of the way that this question is worded, it is really quite confusing.

In regards to your second question, I think that you're reading too deeply into the question.  Basically any skill can be developed at any stage, whether through a presentation stage, or practice stage, etc.  This question does not mean that all stages should be developed at the same time in each stage, but that any skill can be improved upon in any stage.  However, that being said, I really don't like the way that this question is worded.  It would be better if it were worded differently. 

Anyhow, I hope that makes sense, especially regarding the first question, since that one really is tough.  Have good day and good luck on the next quiz!

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