Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Dear Allan,


Name park haewon Date19-02-19 21:49 View6,010 Comment1


Hello Allan,

I have 2 questions about module5. in regards to Q2, I am not sure about explaining instruction.
We can use flash cards to explain voca or structures and I also thought we can do pattern practice (roll play) by using that.

Could you please explain in detail what the explainig instruction is..? how can we do this with flash cards?
sorry if I miss that while watching your lesson.

2nd, I thought new language section is included in aim section. it includes new voca and structure but I thought new expression and idioms
are included in presentation section (main stage) please confirm my understanding is correct below.

- Aim
: the purpose of the lesson

-new language
: new voca and structure
+new idiom and expression as well.

one more question.. can I add preposition to new structure when making lesson plan.. for example, 'is next to' or 'is betweeen A and B'.. etc

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Allan Scafe님의 댓글

Allan Scafe 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi Park Hae Won,

Well, let's take a look at your questions!

In regards to your first question about the module 5 quiz, question 2, unfortunately the answer is b (role play activities).  Role play activities does not include pattern practice (they are different activities).  Role play activities involve students assuming a role, creating a dialogue, and then role playing.  The other options, presenting vocab, or presenting structures obviously make sense.  Now, in regards to using visual aids to help you explain instructions.  This would be possible if you used a chart to help you explain how to create something, or a story.  This was discussed near the end of the visual aids lesson.

In regards to you other question about the 'new language' section, you can put 'new language' right after stating your aims.  This is also where you would want to write down any expressions and idioms that you would want to teach as well.  Remember, the 'new language' section is just meant to give other possible teachers a quick look at what is included in your lesson plan and what vocabulary, structure, idiom, and/or expression your lesson plan focuses on.  Basically you're correct, your outline makes sense!  Also, of course you could add prepositions as well!

Anyhow, I hope that helps!  If not please do not hesitate to post on the Q&A again and have a wonderful day!

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