Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Module 2 /Q 9


Name DAMI KIM Date19-03-27 01:45 View5,342 Comment1


Dear Allen

Good day,
I have just finished test Module 2 but i found out my answer for Q 9 my typing is not inputed properly. please re-check my full answer as below.

Q 9. What is the difference between active and passive vocabulary? Write three examples for each active and passive vocabulary.

My answer:
Active words are that we need to know and use on a daily basis if living in an English speaking country. Passive words are that we don’t believe are as essential as active words that are not so frequently used in English speaking countries.
Ex) Active vocabulary: weather, temperature, cloud, snow, ice, sunny
      Passive vocabulary: varied, average, season, spring, countryside.

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