[Online TESOL] Notice [Regarding buffering issue]
Name Admin Date20-03-14 12:42 View5,529 Comment0Content
We have recently been made aware of excessive buffering issues in the Vimeo player in South Korea. Our engineering team is looking into this issue to see if this issue can be resolved on our side or if it is more of a infrastructure issue that is only in South Korea. We aim to help troubleshoot, but buffering issues can be extremely complicated and difficult to pinpoint since so many variables are involved (for example: a user’s connection, your CDN, Vimeo’s systems). We will do what we can to ensure everything is working properly on our end, but the Student may also need to check connections or providers on your end, too. In order to figure out what’s going on, we'll need for you to log your playback experience using our player “debug” tool. Please make sure this test captures the issue you are experiencing and that it is recorded on the exact setup where the problem is observed. Debug Instructions: 1) Open any video you’re having trouble with 2) Press play and watch the video (the longer you can watch, the better) 3) Once the issue occurs, press “d” on your keyboard to open the debug panel 4) Click the blue "Copy Debug Key" button to obtain the unique ID associated with your playback session 5) Paste the entire id into your email and send it our email ( online@gcc-canada.com ) If you need more information and helping regarding buffering issues do not hesitate to contact to below SNS ( KAKAO plus) http://pf.kakao.com/_ZgCUC
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