Module 2 Home work Translation
Name Kwang-je Baeg Date15-10-14 20:18 View5,167 Comment2Content
I posted an empty file to the quiz boards, Module 2 Home work Translation.
I want to upload the complete file and take the score, but the board is blocked.
I want to upload the complete file and take the score, but the board is blocked.
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Grace님의 댓글

Hi Kwang-je,
I forwarded your message to the technician, and they have informed it should be unblocked for your uploading.
Best of luck.
Kwang-je Baeg님의 댓글
Kwang-je Baeg 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물
Thanks for your help :D