Glenn College

[Business Translation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2)] Question regarding the score/ Mid Test


Name Ji A Kwon Date20-04-10 22:44 View2,686 Comment4


Hi, I've got one little question about the score.
It is not that I am not satisfied with my score, but I wonder why there are no comments for some modules about the overall result. (while there is a space for teacher's comment)
I understand that it's a lot but still can't you at least give a short comment? I want to know what should I focus on more.

I’ve got some questions from the mid-term test.

다이어트는 어디를 가도 체중을 줄이는 식이요법일 뿐만 아니라 질병을 완화하거나 예방하는 식단을 기대한다.
A. A proper diet expects diet therapy not only for losing weight but also alleviating and preventing diseases.
B. Diets are everywhere we look for not just losing weight, but they are food plans to alleviate or prevent disease.
  • I still don’t get the point. Should I use different words for “식이요법” and “식단”? 
  • Also, according to corrected sentence(B sentence), when it’s written ‘diets are food plans to alleviate or prevent disease’, I think that will be translated as ‘다이어트는 질병을 완화하거나 예방하는 식단이다’ à which is different from ‘~~식단을 기대한다
  • If I misunderstood anything, could you kindly explain what is wrong about the first translation?
I think 0.10 points were deducted because I did not write ‘the’. But I saw you wrote ‘It is on house’ in the teacher’s comment from the second Module. Didn’t you give a comment as a correct answer?

Thank you,

Ji-A Kwon

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