Glenn College

Sementic differences


Name Bo Yeon Park Date15-12-10 02:47 View4,772 Comment1


Are there any big differences semantically between the following sentences?
If there are, I would like to know how different they are.
1. Please accept out apology for any inconvenience on the matter that caused you.
    Please accept out apology for any inconvenience regarding this matter that has caused you.
2. 경제 환경과 다른 상황들이 많이 호전되었습니다.
    경제상황과 다른 환경들이 많이 호전되었습니다.

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Grace님의 댓글

Grace 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi Bo Yeon,
Thanks for your question! Please see my answers below:
1. Please accept out apology for any inconvenience on the matter that caused you.
    Please accept out apology for any inconvenience regarding this matter that has caused you.
-In this case, both sentences up to "matter" is correct but " that caused you" and "that has caused you" change the meaning of the sentences incorrectly. You are saying the matter that MADE you (the matter is the cause of you)
For example:  The boy that is mean=The boy is mean -- The girl that caused trouble = The girl caused trouble.

The correct sentence should be:  Please accept OUR apology for any inconvenience this matter caused you/this matter has caused you. OR: Please accept our apology regarding any inconvenience this matter caused you/this matter has caused you.

2.The two meanings are the same.

Hope this answers your question!

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