Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Online TESOL


Name Taehyang Kim Date21-01-09 05:15 View3,918 Comment1


Hi, Allan!
I just finished the quiz for Module 5 and have a question about the second question.

Q : Visual aids are very useful for all of the following except :
1) Explaining vocabulary
2) Role play activities
3) Explaining instructions
4) Explaining structures

I chose 2, but the answer is 3. In the video of lesson 9, If I'm remembering correctly, you said activity B of Using flashcards is similar to pattern practice, and  also role playing. flashcard is one of visual aid and I thought instruction means explanation in detail so I chose number three. I'm hoping that you could explain in regards to this question. Thank you! Have a wonderful day;)

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Allan Scafe님의 댓글

Allan Scafe 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi Taehyang,

I'm a bit confused because when I checked your answer, it shows that you chose option 3, and that option 2 is correct (which is correct).  You said you chose option 2, but then later 3, so I'm a bit confused.

Anyhow, the answer should be option 2, role-play activities, because during role-play activities students should use their imaginations, and they do not need to use visual materials.  They can be useful, but not very useful.

Well, I hope that helps and have a nice day!

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