Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Online TESOL


Name Taehyang Kim Date21-01-31 06:05 View3,894 Comment2


Hi, Allan!
I've just completed the quiz for Module 6 and I have a question!
The question number 6 is T/F question: "Oral prep requires specific training and specially prepared materials and/or text."
I chose True and the answer is False.
I hope you could explain the details with it.
I thought oral prep includes eliciting and building up vocabulary on the board. If it is, doesn't it need some text that the students should learn before the activity? Students need to be learned about something so the teacher could elicit the vocab from them, don't they? and shouldn't the teacher prepare the questions for eliciting if they are not fluent in English or not very good at improvisation? I was thinking those are the 'specific training and specially prepared text'. Maybe I misunderstood the question? please help me out with this!
Thank you!

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Allan Scafe님의 댓글

Allan Scafe 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi Taehyang,

Good question.  While I would say that for many people, you would want to do oral prep in conjunction with a book, or some kind of material to refer to, it is not always necessary.  In addition to that, while some people are naturally good at eliciting and others aren't, after gaining experience, it is no longer necessary for many teachers to require material to refer to.  In general, when starting out as a new teacher, I would highly suggest preparing everything, but after a number of years, it becomes less necessary.

This is probably not the kind of answer that you're looking for, but I hope it makes sense and have a wonderful day!

Taehyang Kim님의 댓글

Taehyang Kim 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 댓글의 댓글 Date

Thank you! And for the question I asked the other day, I just figured out that I watched lesson 5 for Module 7, not Module 6. That was why I couldn't find the correct lecture! Anyhow..  have a nice day!;)

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