Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Q.7 of Module 5.


Name SUN YOUNG PARK Date16-03-29 23:04 View3,999 Comment1


Hi again~
Plz see below the question.
Q: It is equally as important to know what new vocabulary and structures will be taught in a lesson.
    1. True    2. False

I answered False. Because teacher said " Not all new words are equally important. There are ESSENTIAL and EXTRA words.
Could you explain why I was wrong??

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Hi Sun Young Park,

Although what the teacher said is true, not all vocabulary is essential, that doesn't mean that all vocabulary is non-essential.  This question was quite tricky, but unfortunately it is "true".  Your logic was not really flawed, but you have to keep in mind that the teacher said "not all vocabulary".

Hope that helps.  I'm still looking into your previous question, and will try to get back to you later tonight.

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