[Business IT-K (ITT Level 3)] Q&A Board Guidelines for BIT-K (ITT) Students
Name Mason U. Date21-03-29 10:10 View11,972 Comment4Content
This is Mason, your favourite BIT-K course instructor!
I would like to share some guidelines that you should know before you post anything here. So, please make sure to read the following points carefully!
1. Do not post anything that reveals the exam questions or answers. Such posts will be deleted without a warning.
Good example:
"Hi Mason, I just checked my midterm exam and it looks like the Q.7 was marked wrong when the answer is supposed to be correct. Could you please double check?"
"I have a question regarding why I did not get a full score for Q.11. Could you please explain further?"
Bad example:
"Hi Mason, Q.10 on the midterm said the correct answer was __________________. My answer was ____________________. Why is this wrong?"
2. Please try to write your questions in English.
We highly suggest that you write all of your questions in English as many students focus on improving their English. This applies to all students who speak English as a second language. You may still leave some specific terminologies in Korean.
Exception: If your first language is English and you feel like your Korean writing needs work, please try to write in Korean.
Good example:
"Hi Mason, for E to K Module 1-1, can I say ~~~~ instead of ~~~~?"
"In the lecture, the word 영구적인 was translated as ~~~~, but can I say ~~~~ instead?"
Bad example:
"메이슨 선생님 안녕하세요, 모듈 2 아티클 1에 나온 문장이 이해가 가지 않아서요. 이런 부분은 ~~~~~...."
3. Try not to procrastinate!
I have had students who do not submit any of their assignment/quiz/exam until the final week of their course and demand that their submissions to get graded first because their course is ending soon. I want to kindly let you know that there are many other students who are enrolled at the same time as you and it is absolutely unfair for students who are putting their time and effort to submit their work to receive their comments from the instructors. Please be reminded, the course is self-paced with no due dates for each module; HOWEVER, if you decide to do things last minute, I will not mark your submissions first just because your course is ending soon. (If you are wondering about how to check your assignment/comment after the course is ended, please refer to the common Q&A below.
4. Please do not cheat! (It is pretty obvious when you do!)
It came to our attention that some students have exploited the GC’s online learning system in dishonest ways, attempting to complete the course without putting in the necessary effort. I would like to remind all students that any form of academic misconduct or dishonesty will not be tolerated at GC. You will be able to find more detailed information about GC’s policy regarding academic misconduct and dishonesty at the end of this post. I greatly appreciate your honesty and integrity and I sincerely hope the actions of a small minority do not discourage you. All instructors at GC are putting enormous effort into upholding the principles of academic integrity for everyone so your learning experience is truly academically rewarding.
5. Most commonly asked questions:
Q: “Hi, my exam says I received 0.30 out of 35.00. Why is my score so low?"
A: If your exam score says 0, it means it has not been graded yet. Sometimes the marking system will automatically grade some of the answers correct if it matches the example answers exactly. Please do not worry and just wait until your exam gets graded by your instructor. If you do not receive a full mark on your question, you will receive a comment on why points were deducted.
Q: “Why is my homework/exam not graded yet?"
A: Please allow up to 5~7 business days until your homework/exams get graded. We have a large group of students and everything is graded by me single-handedly. I greatly appreciate your patience and understanding!
Q: “Sorry, I accidentally uploaded a wrong file instead of my homework! Can I re-submit?"
A: It is 100% your responsibility to make sure you submit the correct homework file. Please read the instructions in your homework file very carefully and make sure to double check what you upload before you submit. Any wrong homework submission will automatically result in 0. If you experienced any technical issues while submitting your homework, please write what exactly happened. You may or may not given another chance to resubmit depending on the circumstances.
Q: “My course ended and I cannot check the instructors’ comments anymore. Could you send them to my email?”
A: Indeed please be aware that you will not be able to see the comments and assignment materials you submitted once your course ends. You are more than welcome to save instructors’ comments if needed. If your work is submitted and they are not graded by the last day of your course, it will still be graded normally. Once they are marked, the school admin will be able to send you an email of instructors’ comments upon your request.
Q: “The example answer is very different from the original question. Is there something wrong?”
A: As the course gets updated regularly, so does the exam! In the process of getting the exams updated, you might take a previous version of the exam and see answers for the updated version of the exam. Nothing to be alarmed. If you have any questions, please ask questions on the Q&A board but do not forget to read the first point on this post! (1. Do not post anything that reveals the exam questions or answers. Such posts will be deleted without a warning.)
Students are responsible for informing themselves of the guidelines of acceptable and non-acceptable conduct for graded assignments established by their instructors for specific courses and of the examples of academic misconduct set out below. Academic misconduct that is subject to disciplinary measures includes, but is not limited to, engaging in, attempting to engage in, or assisting others to engage, in any of the actions described below.
- Cheating, which may include, but is not limited to:
- falsification of any material subject to academic evaluation;
- use of or participation in unauthorized collaborative work;
- use or possession in an examination of any materials (including devices) other than those permitted by the examiner;
- use, possession, or facilitation of unauthorized means to complete an examination (e.g., receiving unauthorized assistance from another person, or providing that assistance)
- Plagiarism, which is intellectual theft, occurs where an individual submits or presents the oral or written work of another person as his or her own. A student who seeks assistance from a tutor or other scholastic aids must ensure that the work submitted is the student's own. Students are responsible for ensuring that any work submitted does not constitute plagiarism. Students who are in any doubt as to what constitutes plagiarism should consult their instructor before handing in any assignments.
- Submitting the same, or substantially the same assignment more than once (whether the earlier submission was at this or another institution) unless prior approval has been obtained from the instructor(s) to whom the assignment is to be submitted.
- Impersonating a candidate at an examination or other evaluation, facilitating the impersonation of a candidate, or availing oneself of the results of an impersonation.
- Submitting false records or information, orally or in writing, or failing to provide relevant information when requested.
- Falsifying or submitting false documents, transcripts, or other academic credentials.
- Failing to comply with any disciplinary measure imposed for academic misconduct.
I hope this is clear to everyone. Please feel free to comment below any questions regarding the guidelines above.
Have a wonderful day and good luck on your course!
Best regards,
Mason U, CMI-Korean
Business Interpretation and Translation in Korean (BIT-K) Instructor
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Suyoung So님의 댓글
Suyoung So 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 DateThank you opening this wonderful program.
Mason 님의 댓글
Mason 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물
Thank you Suyoung! Means a lot!
nasr fananas님의 댓글
nasr fananas 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date
Online Quran Course for Kids: A Convenient and Effective Way to learn Quran Online
Online Quran courses for kids have become increasingly popular in recent years. With the advancement of technology, it has become easier than ever to learn Quran online from the comfort of your own home. Online Quran courses for kids offer a range of benefits, making it a convenient and effective way to learn Quran.
Benefits of Online Quran Course for Kids
Online Quran courses for kids are convenient, as they eliminate the need for travel and allow children to learn from the comfort of their own homes. This saves time and money and also allows children to learn Quran in a safe and comfortable environment.
Online Quran courses for kids offer flexibility, as they allow children to learn Quran at their own pace. This is especially beneficial for children who may have other commitments, such as school or extracurricular activities.
One-on-One Learning
Online Quran courses for kids often provide one-on-one learning sessions with experienced and qualified Quran tutors. This allows for a personalized learning experience that is tailored to the needs of each individual child.
Interactive Learning Experience
Online Quran courses for kids provide an interactive learning experience that is engaging and enjoyable for children. Many courses use multimedia tools such as videos, games, and quizzes to make the learning process fun and interactive.
Safe and Secure Learning Environment
Online Quran courses for kids provide a safe and secure learning environment that is free from distractions and disturbances. This allows children to focus on their Quran learning without any interruptions.
Choosing an Online Quran Course for Kids
When choosing an online Quran course for kids, it is important to consider the following factors:
Qualifications and Experience of Quran Tutors
Make sure that the online Quran course has experienced and qualified Quran tutors who are knowledgeable and skilled in teaching Quran to children.
Online Quran classes
Course Curriculum
Check the course curriculum to ensure that it covers all the necessary topics and is suitable for your child’s age and level of Quranic knowledge.
Interactive Learning Tools
Look for an online Quran course that uses interactive learning tools such as videos, games, and quizzes to make the learning process engaging and enjoyable for children.
smith loo님의 댓글
smith loo 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date
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