Glenn College

Midterm test Q18


Name Kim Eun Ji Date15-07-08 10:28 View6,597 Comment3


Hello Mr.Allan.

I was going to answer my midterm test and I got stuck on question 18. I don't really get the meaning of the question. Could you please explain to me about it? I am wondering if I have to choose one from those two parts. Please answer to my question, I would be really appreciated :)

Best Regards
Eun Ji

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Allan님의 댓글

Allan 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi Eun Ji,

I'm at home right now, and I can mark everyone's quizzes, and tests, but unfortunately I can't take a look at our tests right now, so I don't know which question you are talking about.  I will take a look at it tomorrow when I'm at work if I have time, but I'm really busy these days.  If you could describe the question here on the Q&A I can tell you more though.

Anyhow, I will take a look at it tomorrow, unless you're able to better describe it here, and get back to you asap!  Good luck!

Allan님의 댓글

Allan 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi Eun Ji,

So question 18 is the last written question on the midterm test.  For this question, you have two choices.  You can either pick to do the first one (write down how you would present five different words, and what questions you would ask, OR you can write down a structure table, and explain how you would present it, and keep your students' attention.

Hope that helps you, and sorry it took me forever to respond to you!  Good luck!

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