Glenn College

[Online TESOL] inquiry......


Name CHARLINE CHOI Date17-06-23 06:05 View5,649 Comment1


hello teacher allan,
I have a question regarding in making the final assignment which is making a lesson plan,
 Is the topic of the lesson plan is given or we (students) are the one who will choose for the topic of our choice???

And I am planning to present a grammar topic lesson plan. Because, here in korea my students are usually(office worker, high school student, old people) that is why I want to make a grammar topic lesson.
I had some old lesson plans before from my previous classes in my homeland(philippines) and I will going to ask you if it is ok
if will revise it and upgrade it inorder to make it fresh and new.
And my second question is, Is it ok if my lesson plan is more than 3 pages?


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Allan Scafe님의 댓글

Allan Scafe 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi Charline,

When you write your final assignment you will not be given a topic.  Rather, you can choose any topic you would like to teach, for any level of students, and teach whatever structure and vocabulary you would like. 

In regards to your other question, yes, it would be okay if you revise one of your previous lesson plans.  Also, there is no limit as to how long your final assignment is, so over 3 pages is perfectly fine!

Oh, and by the way (once again!) I spoke with my Manager today, and I'm quite sure your second module quiz should have been reset by now.

Have a nice day!

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