Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Module2 E to K questions


Name seyoung ryu Date22-04-07 01:32 View1,819 Comment1


Module 2-3

"I think you'll see, across the board, all the major players participating this year in the Black Friday frenzy," said Ran Ravitz, general manager of, which keeps track of consumer deals."Overall, [we're] going to see more participation with smaller chains and chains that didn’t have it last year."

> chains didn’t have it last year 의 해석은 ‘(단순히)작년에는 참여하지 않았던 체인점들’ or ‘작년에는 qualified 하지 않아서 참여하지 못 했던 체인점들’ 중 어느 것이 맞나요?

That cross-border shopping leakage is an obvious concern to Canadian retailers, who face increased cross-border challenges now that new duty-free exemptions came into effect earlier this year.

>Increased cross-border challenges 는 그냥 ‘국경을 넘어 쇼핑하는 인원의 증가’로 볼 수 있나요?
미국으로 쇼핑하러 가는 사람들은 점점 더 증가하여 캐나다 업주들에게 분명 걱정거리이다.

Enclosed are your copies of the vouchers for Food and Beverages consumed during the reception that you requested

>Copies of vouchers; 영상에서는 ‘영수증’이라고 설명해주시던데 다음에 사용할 새로운 쿠폰을 제공하는 것으로 보고 ‘쿠폰’으로 해석할 수도 있나요?

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Mason 님의 댓글

Mason 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hello Seyoung!

Thank you for wonderful questions! I hope my answers help.

"I think you'll see, across the board, all the major players participating this year in the Black Friday frenzy," said Ran Ravitz, general manager of, which keeps track of consumer deals."Overall, [we're] going to see more participation with smaller chains and chains that didn’t have it last year."

> chains didn’t have it last year 의 해석은 ‘(단순히)작년에는 참여하지 않았던 체인점들’ or ‘작년에는 qualified 하지 않아서 참여하지 못 했던 체인점들’ 중 어느 것이 맞나요?

-> Understanding the context, the latter sounds more correct to me. Saying “chains that didn’t have it” sounds very much like “chains that were not big enough to join the big game.”

That cross-border shopping leakage is an obvious concern to Canadian retailers, who face increased cross-border challenges now that new duty-free exemptions came into effect earlier this year.

>Increased cross-border challenges 는 그냥 ‘국경을 넘어 쇼핑하는 인원의 증가’로 볼 수 있나요?
미국으로 쇼핑하러 가는 사람들은 점점 더 증가하여 캐나다 업주들에게 분명 걱정거리이다.

-> Yes, that sounds correct. Just to be clear, the expression “cross-border challenges” is referring to “cross-border shopping leakage” which ultimately means “[캐나다에서 쇼핑을 하지 않고 미국으로] 국경을 넘어가서 쇼핑을 하는 사람들 = 캐나다 상인들의 문제/골칫거리"

Enclosed are your copies of the vouchers for Food and Beverages consumed during the reception that you requested

>Copies of vouchers; 영상에서는 ‘영수증’이라고 설명해주시던데 다음에 사용할 새로운 쿠폰을 제공하는 것으로 보고 ‘쿠폰’으로 해석할 수도 있나요?

-> I think the correct translation actually should be more like “쿠폰” or even “바우처” in this context. Not sure why that was translated as 영수증. My apologies! Yes, I believe “the copies of the vouchers” sounds like [음식이나 음료로 바꿔서 받을 수 있는] 상품권/식권/바우처/쿠폰, etc.

I hope this helps!

Best regards,

Mason U, CMI-Korean
Business Interpretation and Translation in Korean (BIT-K) Instructor

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