Glenn College

I don't understnd my scores.


Name Kyoungeun Lee Date15-07-17 10:31 View6,373 Comment2


According to the quiz short answer questions, it mostly requires one or two sentences(except few questions) but your most comments ask to write down tas many sentences as possible for quiz. It's not resonable. I just keep to fulfill the quesiton requirements and to simplify my answers to my best but my sentence type question's scores are too low. If you really want to insist us write longer, you have to put some marks for it behind all questions like this "write down longer and all of them what I speak during my lesson!". For example, module 2 quiz q. Write down the basic rules of writing on the board(it doesn't mean any priority of rule. Right?) so I just write down 1-2 sentences but I received low score. I don't understand at all and I must disagree with your comment although I like your kind teaching. Be generous for my poor writing and grammar anyway!  P.s. My keyboard wasn't perfectly working so i made some typo such like '/' instead of ' " . Sorry, but i didn't mean it.

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Sory Kim님의 댓글

Sory Kim 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

I am randomly commenting on here but I agree with you. I also got the same comment as 'you should've write more' when the questions says 'write one or two sentences'. Perhaps, it is good idea to re-arrange some of the information for the quiz('cause I've seen some other minor errors too)

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