Glenn College

[Online TESOL] question for module 2


Name Juyoung Lee Date22-05-30 18:29 View1,483 Comment2


Hello, Mason it's Juyoung again.

I have some questions in module 2 E to K video 14, in the sentence below.

"However, please understand that our programs in this area have been significantly expanded since these articles were published."

In this sentence, I translated "since these articles were published" as 이 기사들이 나가게 된 이후로. 

However, I found out that you have translated it into 이것을 출판할 당시와 비교해볼 때. 

​I am quiet confused where did the 비교해볼때 came from. Is it also a 의역 based on the flow of the sentence? or does the word "since" also have a meaning of 비교해볼때.

Also, I was wondering if the meaning of the word "articles" is the "program" itself, or 기사 like I translated.

​Thank you in advance! 

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Mason 님의 댓글

Mason 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hello Juyoung!

This is a wonderful question. I’m glad it caught your attention!

I personally think both translations sound perfectly fine to me. Indeed the word “since ~~” often gets translated as “~~ 이후로” or “~~ 때문에” but I do not see any reasons to not translate as “당시와 비교해볼때” as this is essentially talking about something becoming different after a specific point of time in the past.

Let’s try this with an easier sentence.

“He changed a lot since he started working out.”

Now, translating this into Korean, we have:

#1. 그가 운동을 시작한 이후로 그는 많이 바뀌었다.
#2. 그가 운동을 시작할 당시와 비교해볼때 그는 많이 바뀌었다.

Now, if you can tell me that there is a very significant difference between the meaning of Korean sentences #1 and #2, then indeed it would be a problem to say #2. I personally believe I do not see a significant difference in their meaning.

Here, we actually do not have enough context to clearly say what these “articles” and “programs” are. My best guess is that “articles” are what “programs” comprise of. That’s one reason why I might have not translated the term “articles” directly.

One last thing, the post was labeled as Online TESOL which is the reason why it took me awhile to realize this was a question regarding the ITT course. Please make sure to label it as the correct course when you post on Q&A board next time!

Best regards,

Mason U, CMI-Korean
Business Interpretation and Translation in Korean (BIT-K) Instructor

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