Glenn College

[Business Translation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2)] Commenting about Module 2 Homework K to E Are These CONTEXT Mistakes…


Name Samuel Waltz Date22-06-06 00:07 View1,986 Comment1


*Correct the following English grammatical errors and submit to access the video for verification.

Many of these sentences are grammatically correct. What is the individual CONTEXT?

ALMOST all of these (x) sentences are possible correct sentences IN A CERTAIN CONTEXT...
(x) I was busy to study all weekend.
Was this person TOO BUSY to study OR Was this person BUSY STUDYING A LOT??
Which context do you want??
I made another mistake by providing my incorrect answer.

(x) I have another schedule.
YES, this is a possible situation, however you would probably say
'I have another possible schedule' ...meaning if the first schedule is not desired another schedule is possible.
BUT can also mean 'I have another 'item' on my schedule.  Which context is it???
(x) I have another plan.
Another... Which CONTEXT is it??
I have another 'item' ... 'time slot' in my schedule.
OR there another totally different possible plan??
BUT, are you speaking about an itinerary ... detailed time schedule?
My answer = I am combining the two sentences to clarify context.
(o) I have other plans on my schedule.

(x) This restaurant has lots of menus
I consider this (x) a very common Konglish mistake.
Restaurants usually do NOT have many menus. O.K. Yes, the restaurant may have a children's menu
and a 'regular' adult menu.
My answer says there are many different 'items' on the menu.
(o) This restaurant has a lot on the menu.

(x) Cream spaghetti is too greasy
(x) This cake is too greasy
In a strange situation both are possible where the 'cook' put too much oil into what is being prepared.
Grammatically, they are correct sentences. What is the CONTEXT??
Is it the person eating the cake and spaghetti?? Or is this a general statement about cake and spaghetti??
"Cream spaghetti is too greasy" = a general statement...BUT "This cake is too greasy"= The person eating cake.
(o) There’s too much grease.

(x) He's my senior
North American or Korean culture ... a native English speaker saying this is correct DEPENDING ON CONTEXT.
This is a common expression a lower level ranked employee would describe another 'older' 'more experienced'
'higher level' employee.
Grammatically, it is correct. Unless, you are wanting a more business-like professional speech where abbreviations
are often NOT used.
(o) He’s my supervisor.

(x) It's service
This is more only a Korean culture expression. When a company, small business or even a restaurant gives a person
a little extra food or extra something to show they appreciate the customer's business.
North American culture is more common to say "it's extra."
(o) This is service.

(x) I went to abroad
No, this is NOT a grammatically correct sentence...Konglish, again.
What country did 'I' travel to...I went to '_________' = 'country's name'
(o) I went abroad.
(x) I like here
No, NOT a grammatically correct matter what context.
(o) I like it here.

(x) My condition is not good
This is a grammatically correct sentence between friends.
(o) I am not doing well.

(x) What is your job?
This is a very GRAMMATICALLY correct sentence and common question between two employees OF THE SAME COMPANY.
CONTEXT, nothing wrong with it.
My answer is the more common question other people NOT in your company may ask...a very common
conversation question to get to know someone.
(o) What do you do?

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Mason 님의 댓글

Mason 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hello Samuel,

Thank you for posting your comments and concerns!

I read your comments carefully and I noticed that your questions are repeatedly asking “Which context is it? A or B?” which basically resort to one big idea: “the grammar of this sentence is correct in another context; therefore, this sentence is not grammatically wrong.”

This makes me think that we should have clarified the intent of this exercise better.  The intent or focus is to find a COMMON grammatical error as it is stated in the question: “Common Mistakes”

You are indeed correct on many points you mentioned yet it is digressing from the point of this exercise. The point of this exercise is to identify and correct a common grammatical error that is made by Korean speakers. I believe you already acknowledged how some of these sentences can be seen as grammatically incorrect when we consider common English mistakes Korean speakers make.

Rest assured, there will be no deduction in your mark as long as you clearly state what your reasoning is. I believe everything will make much better sense once you watch the lecture videos.

I hope this helped!

Best regards,

Mason U, CMI-Korean
Business Interpretation and Translation in Korean (BIT-K) Instructor

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